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Enhancing the experience of employees within the company

Connecting and engaging with employees through a single and consistent digital experience


Client: Utility Company
Project: Employee Experience


Connect employees and enhance their engagement through a single and consistent internal digital experience


Design of the front-end employee experience including UI interfaces of 3 key priority journeys:

— Knowing people, organisation, and procedures
— Employee on-boarding
— My training path


During this project I was involved in mostly all the design process:

— I was in charge of understanding the current as-is experience, the tools employees were using, mapping out the information architecture of their current platforms.

— I was involved in facilitating the co-design workshop for 3 days

— During design sprints, I was responsible for designing wireframes and defined ux behaviours for the new intranet platform.

— At the end of the project I was in-charge of describing the interface behaviors and content organisation in a UX recommendations report that was part of the final deliverable.



Field research
During the discover phase, we understood the employees’ needs and aspirations.
We interviewed 8 stakeholders, 16 employees and conducted a small service safari in Rome, at the headquarters.

Desk research
As it was difficult to see what other competitors were doing regarding their internal platform (as it’s not public). I was involved in understanding their current intranet in order to see what could be done to improve it by extracting existing pain points as well as identify the power points that should be also taken into consideration.

Mapping insights in as-is journeys
We mapped all the insights and pain points into the different AS IS journeys in order to understand where the areas of opportunities lie. 

Turned insights into design drivers
From observations and survey results, we have found some interesting insights and turned them into design drivers: the main principles on which to design screens.


Ideate and define

This phase resulted in mapping the 3 to-be journeys of the employees within the company, together with employees. Workshops were organized to address the different journeys that were about: 

- Knowing people, organization and procedures: connecting people, organization and procedures. 
- Employee on-boarding: providing guidance and inclusiveness to new joiners from the beginning of their journey
- Training path: personalize the learning experience, raise responsibility and transparency around training choices catalogue


Co-creation workshop

This co-creation workshop helped us to really collaborate with the client on how we could improve the employee experiences; how to improve their current platform and what are the elements that could be combined together. It was crucial in understanding the direction to take and define priorities.

My role

• Prior workshop, I was in charge of planning the activities, with a time restriction depending on the outcome we wanted to achieve.
• During workshop, I was playing the role of a facilitator of 1 team. I was able to concretise all the ideas they had and all the issues they wanted to solve. We diverged and converged in order to create a final prototype per team at the end of the day.


Design sprints

During this project we had 3 design sprints in which each one was dedicated to one journey. In this specific time, I was working side by side with visual designers.

For each design sprint, we started first by designing the information architecture map, then prioritizing the pages to design. For each of them, understanding the existing features and seeing what can be improved. We then started creating the significant wireframes, defined interaction behaviours and mapped screens flows
— all of that was done prior to handing it completely to the visual designers of the team.

The team collaboration at this point was very important in order to design the single and digital employee experience. 


My role
I was mainly in charge to sketch and envision how the interaction would be inside this platform after mapping all the existing features and all the new ones we wanted to integrate. After these steps, I would create wireframes to better communicate my view on it to visual designers.
In this phase I was also sometimes giving a hand to visual designers in beautifying and creating appealing visuals for the platforms.


Creation of wireframes


The deliverables

At the end of the project, we not only redesigned their internal platform but also defined 3 TO BE journeys, in which we mapped the actions, the emotions of the user for each stage, included the design pillars, the different touch points, and design concepts. 


3 To be Journeys

#Employee Card
#Organisational chart

#Onboarding pass
#Onboarding path
#Onboarding GPS
#Back end

#Training path
#Pre-training guide


Example of the digital solution


• 1 project lead
• 1 project manager
• 2 service and interaction designers
• 2 visual designers